Headers and Drop Downs Did you ever feel like that stand you used to on a good sturdy light and mount up to fi ve love was just too small for your needs? How fl ash heads on the triple header (three on top about the need to mount more than one light and two on the bottom). on a single stand? Does it make sense to erect Check back to page 293 where we discuss two or three stands, side-by-side? Tough Rolux, to solidify the pool of light, Well, you are not only 100% correct about reducing multiple shadows. all the above, but we have been there and If you have fi ve fl ash heads, driven by fi ve thought that, too. power packs (or bination of heads and monolights) you have a bunch of fl ash power. You also have quite an investment. Don’t let this rig e top heavy and topple over. Be sure to weight it well. Drop Downs Th e world’s tiniest boom has to be the Mat- thews Baby Drop Down. When you are shoot- ing with a light bank on a boom and trying to get the bank to hang parallel to the ground, Others think that way, as well, because all as the boom angles upward, the drop down those support products already exist. straightens it out. A Cheater Adapter does this, We try to travel as light as possible. Time too. Th is ability is important to some photog- wasted transporting gear is money-making raphers time lost. Once on location, the less square when light- footage of fl oor space that we consume, the ing with better it is for traffi c to navigate around us. Lanterns Th is is especially true in public places. and Pan- cakes. (Please Double and Triple Headers see pages 288 To fl ood an area with a ton of light, attach a & 289, for triple header (pictured above and to the left ) more.) 310 Chapter 9 | Creative Support and Safety Magic Fingers One of the coolest support accessories in the world is the Matthews Magic Finger. You almost want one for each of the serious stands and booms that you o