奈达铂联合紫杉醇治疗食管癌疗效评价_紫杉醇和奈达铂方案 【中图分类号】【文献标识码】A【文章编号】1005-2720(2021)05-0193-01 【【摘要】:^p 】目的:比较奈达铂 奈达铂联合紫杉醇治疗食管癌疗效评价_紫杉醇和奈达铂方案 【中图分类号】【文献标识码】A【文章编号】1005-2720(2021)05-0193-01 【【摘要】:^p 】目的:比较奈达铂、顺铂分别联合紫杉醇治疗食管癌疗效及毒副反应。方法:将食管癌病人随机分两组:分别用奈达铂+紫杉醇、顺铂+紫杉醇治疗。结果:两组疗效相当,但奈达铂组血液毒性较顺铂组重,胃肠道反应、肝、肾毒性较顺铂组轻。结论:奈达铂+紫杉醇治疗食管癌副反应轻,值得临床推广。 【【关键词】:^p 】奈达铂;顺铂;紫杉醇;食管癌 Evaluation the efficay of nedaplatin plus padita____el in patients with esophageal Jun.(The first people’s hospital of Hengyang,Hunan 421002 China) 【Abstract】Objective:To evaluate the efficacy and safety of paclita____el bined with nedaplatin or cisplatin in patients with esophageal :The patients with esophageal cancer were randomized into two groups and each group was treated with Nedaplatin plus paclita____el or cisplatin plus paclita____el :The efficacy of two groups was improverd,but the blood to____icity was serious in Nedaplatin group than in cisplatin group,and the gastointestinal reaction,the liver and kidney to____icity were lower in Nedaplatin group than in cisplatin :Nedaplatin plus paclita____el was safe in treatment of esophageal cancer,worthy to be popularized.
【Key Words】Nedaplatin;Cisplatin;Paclita____el;Esophageal cancer 1 对象和方法 研究对象:50例均为术后病理证实为食