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Technical Specification for Cement Grouting
Construction of Hydraulic Structure
(DL/T 5148-2001)
Reviewed byhydropower and water conservancy construction engineering:part one (proposed standard)
SDJ 338-1989 Specifications for construction planning of water resources and hydropower engineering
SL 25-1992 Code of water pressure test in borehole for hydropower and water resources engineering
3 Terms
Cement grouting.
An engineering measure in which cement grout is injected into fissures in rock mass, concrete cracks and joints or cavities of concrete through boreholes, embedded pipes and others by means of grouting pump or by gravity of grout.
A type of grouting in which grout is filled into the voids and cavities between concrete and surrounding rock or between concrete and steel plate so as to strengthen the compactness of surrounding rock and structures. These voids and cavities are formed by concreting or limitation of technical ability.
Consolidation grouting
A type of grouting in which grout is injected into fissures or fracture zone in rock mass so as to improve the integrity and deformation-resisting ability of rock mass.
Curtain grouting.
A type of grouting in which grout is injected into fissures and voids in rock mass or soil to form an anti-seepage curtain so as to reduce leakage or uplift pressure.
Joint grouting.
Atype of grouting in which grout is injected into joints of dam blocks through embedded pipes or others to improve the condition of force transmission and to strengthen the integrity of dam.
Contact grouting.
A type of grouting in which grout is injected into gap between concrete and foundation rock mass or between concrete and steel plate to strengthen the bondage ability of contact face. The gap is formed by shrinkage of concrete setting.
Circulation grouting.
A grouting method in which grout is injected into a hole stage through grout-jettin

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  • 页数53
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  • 上传人260933426
  • 文件大小98 KB
  • 时间2022-02-24