(Medical device communicatund power cables and ducts) IEEE 1242-1999 石油和化学工厂的动力,控制,特殊用途电缆的特殊处理和选择指南 (Guide for specifying and selecting power, control, and special-purpose cable for petroleum and chemical plants) IEEE 1300-1996 气体绝缘变电所电缆连接指南 (Guide for cable connections for gas-insulated substations) IEEE 1333-1994 用导向打孔安装电缆的导则 (Guide for installation of cable using the guided boring method) IEEE 1406-1998 电力电缆系统用液体中气体分析的使用指南 (Guide to the use of gas-in-fluid analysis for electric power cable systems) IEEE 1407-1998 使用充水罐进行中压挤制电力电缆加速老化试验的试验指南 (Trial-use guide for accelerated aging tests for medium-voltage extruded electric power cables using water-filled tanks) IEEE 383-1974 1E级电缆型式试验;核电站的现场拼接和联接 (Type test of class 1E electric cables; field splices and connections for nuclear power generating stations) IEEE 400-2001 铠装电力电缆系统绝缘的现场试验和评定指南 (Guide for field testing and evaluation of the insulation of shielded power cable systems) IEEE 404-2000 额定电压2500V-500000V的挤压和层压介质铠装电缆接头 (Extruded and laminated dielectric shielded cable joints rated 2500 V to 500000 V) IEEE 48-1996 -765KV高压交流电缆终端的试验程序和要求 (Test procedures and requirements for alternating-current cable terminations kV through 765 kV) IEEE 525-1992 变电站电缆系统设计和安装指南 (Guide