教学设计(教案)模板 根本信息 学 科 英语 年 级 五年级 教学形式 公开课 教 师 时莉莉 单 位 河南省新乡市新区小学 课题名称 What are you doing ? 学情分析 五年级的学生已w the nature park , please look here , 课件呈现: reading a book (本人正在读书的场景) 设计意图:通过相关延伸词来利用多媒体创设情景,呈现一幅老师在自然公园读书的场景,来引出新词组,这种方法过度自然,同时又能让学生在生活化的情景中自然习得英语,一举两得。 Practice : Read after me . Read in the other line Let’s spell this word 。(S2 ) eg: r_ _ding a book Then SS spell this phrase and let S3 write this phrase on the blackboard . 3. T: boys and girls , now we know zhangpeng is drawing pictures and Mike is reading a book 。 Can you guess what is Wu Yifan doing ? SS guess 课件呈现: doing the dishes Practice : 大小声游戏 Let's spell this phrase . eg: do__ __ __ the dishes SS spell this phrase and T Write this phrase on the blackboard . 4. 练习小结: Read these phrases for some times then look and say 。 And give them points 。 5. The same way to show : Book look cook T: Boy , can you cook ? B: Yes , I can . Let the boy to cook dinner and show his photo Action : cook dinner 设计意图:学生是课堂的主体,在本环节中,设计本班一名同学自己操作电脑通过多媒体课件呈现做饭的场景,自然引入新知,学生主动参和课堂,成为了课堂的主人。 Practice : read after me A game : who is the best cook 。 Then SS spell this phrase and let S5 write this phrase on the blackboard 。 6. To show dinner winter answer and show this phrase : Answering the phone 课件呈现:answering the phone