曹洪武 35
文章编号: 1003- 4722( 2010) 0e
that for the lo w pylon pier w ith the o pen
excav ated spread foundation and bo th the high and low
py lons are designed as a rigid fix ity sy stem o f pylo n, girder and pier. To reduce the bending mo
m ent in a py lon fo oting , the 20 cm lo ng vertical joint is set in the middle of the low er part of the
py lon and through o ptimization of dim ensio ns of the pylon, the transverse to rsional ang le of the
main girder and the transverse displacement of the py lon are effectiv ely controlled. The founda
tion fo r the hig h pylo n is constructed by the do uble
w all steel cofferdam while that for the low py
lo n is constructed by the aid o f the cofferdam or the artificial island. The 7 m long standard seg
m ents of the m ain girder is constructed by the cast
situ method by the fr ont suppo rt form
tr av elers.
Key words: cable
stayed bridg e; py lon; concrete g ir der; structur al desig n; bridg e desig n
收稿日期: 2010- 06- 01
作者简介: 曹洪武( 1974- ) , 男, 高级工程师, 1995 年毕业于长沙铁道学院铁道工 程专业, 工学学士, 2007 年毕业于同济 大学桥梁工程 专业,
工程硕士( caohw @ brdi. com. cn) 。36 桥梁建 设
2010 年第 5 期
工程概况 跨过多进入圆曲线,
重庆双碑大桥主桥斜拉桥设计 来自淘豆网m.daumloan.com转载请标明出处.