巴德宏观经济学原理英文版第8版学习指南CH5APP.docxChapter Appendix: Measuring Real GDP ANSWERS TO APPENDIX CHECKPOINTS ■ Study Plan Problems An island economy pro that real GDP in 2016 is percent greater than real GDP in 2015. Real GDP in 2015 was $1,600, so real GDP in 2016 equals ($1,600) x (), which is $1,. These real GDPs are in terms of 2015 dollars. Using the chained-dollar method, compare the growth rates of nominal GDP and real GDP in 2016. Between 2015 and 2016, nominal GDP increased from $1,600 to $2,250, an increase of $650. The growth rate of nominal GDP is ($650 + $1,600) x 100, which is percent. The growth rate of real GDP is percent, so nominal GDP grew much more rapidly than did real GDP. If the base year is 2016, use the chained-dollar method to calculate real GDP in 2015 and 2016. In terms of what dollars is each of these two real GDPs measured? Real GDP in 2016 = $2,250. It is equal to nominal GDP because 2016 is the base year. To calculate real GDP in 2015 compute the growth rate of real GDP between 2015 and 2016. That growth rate is the average of the growth rates between 2015 and 2016 using prices from 2015 and using prices from 2016. Taking the average of the answers to Problems 2 and 3 gives an average percentage increase of percent. This result means that real GDP in 2016 is percent greater than real GDP in 2015 so real GDP in 2015 equals ($2,250)