园英语情景对话:最古老的学院---默顿学院 最古老的学院是莫顿学院,它建立于1249年,以下是我给大家整理的关于最古老的学院---默顿学院的校园英语情景对话,希望可以帮到大家 M:是比较喜欢看书。 T: Wow, I have watched all the three live action fantasy epic films on my last summer vacation. The trilogy includes The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers and The Return of the King, which can be regarded as the summit of the epic film. T:哇,我去车暑假里把这三部实景真人版的史诗奋幻电影都看完了。这三部电 影分别是《魔戒现身》、《双塔奋兵》和《王者归来》,它们堪称是奋幻小说的 巅峰之作。 M: What marvelous works! Tolkien is really a genius. M:多棒的作品啊!托尔金真是个天才。 T: You made mention that he is Merton Professor just now. You should have heard that Merton is the most academically successful college in the University of Oxford!
T:你刚才说他是默顿学院的教授。你应该听说过默顿是牛津大学学术最强的学 院吧! M: That’s the case. Furthermore, it is remarkable for its oldness. It is claimed as the oldest college in Oxford University, because its foundation can be trace back to 1264. M:的确如此。此外,默顿学院还以历史悠久著称。据说它是牛津大学最古老的 学院,因为它的创建可以追溯到1264年。 T: However, as I know, either Balliol College or University College was built earlier than Merton College. Balliol College was founded in 1263 and University College was in 1249. T:但是,据我所知,不管是贝利奧尔学院,还是大学学院都比默顿学院成立得 要早。贝利奧尔学院建于1263年,而大学学院建于1249年。 M: Well, though this claim is disputed among the three colleges, Merton got the title of the oldest college because it was the first college to have statutes to govern the college independently. Merton’s statutes date back to 1264,while neither Balliol nor University College had statutes until the 1280s.