首都师范大学硕士学位论文哀伤同庾信--从杜甫对庾信的评价解读庾信的诗赋创作姓名:沈国根申请学位级别:硕士专业:古代文学指导教师:王军 20040401 内容提要庾信是南北朝诗歌创作的集大成者是中国诗歌发展史上一位重要诗人但是在相当长的一段时间里由于种种原因人们不能看到或故意忽视了庾信作品的多样性和丰富性对庾信的评价总是流于片面是杜甫首先对庾信的作品作出了全面客观评价这些评价概括起来说就是清新老成萧瑟哀伤杜甫对庾信的这样评价涉及其诗赋创作生平经历和情感心灵等各个不同的层面本文正是以此为切入点分析了庾信诗赋创作艺术成就的具体内涵所谓清新反映的是一种既有真实充沛的情感或生动的情趣又代表着南北朝诗歌新变最高成就的诗歌风貌代的萧瑟和庾信生平的萧瑟萧瑟也包含两个方面的内容即时哀伤则是指杜甫在漂泊天涯时越来越多感受到的庾信作品中流露出来的悲剧意识和诗史特质诗赋作品中更加沉郁的情感和更加成熟的艺术品质老成萧瑟指的是庾信晚年哀伤在作是和品中的统一在这一点上庾信和杜甫的创作遥相呼应可以说杜甫真正发现了庾信作品的价值所在也和庾信在情感和心灵上有了相当程度的契合关键词清新老成萧瑟哀伤悲剧意识 Abstract As a summary writer of the literary world in the Nanbeichao , Yuxin isa very important figure in the literary history of ina long term,this fact had not been met by people. Yuxin had been regarded asa symbol of the popular poetic style of the era he was in .The man who changed the actuality is Dufu ,one of the greatest poets of the poetic history of China. The words such asc omely (qingxin),rough(xiaose),mature ( laocheng )and grief ( aishang )were what Dufu talked about Yuxin .And by these words, Dufu had been reverted Yuxin from the symbol toa emotional people in history. In this paper,we discuss Yuxin ’s status in the literary history of China in the fist place,and we think the status of the connecting es from his unique character conflict,mental fission which is related with the roily times and his twist experiece. Then we pay attention to the evaluation Dufu had given to Yuxin .By tracing to the source, we think qingxin isa style and features of literature,which contains abundant actual sensibility or vivid spice and larruping form. Qingxin was the highest level of poem in Dufu ’s era .Realizing that Yuxin ’s achievement in qingxin style could pared to libai ,Dufu wrote the line the same qingxin as Yuxin in the poem Missing libai in the spring .And in this paper,we try to learn the qingxin from the vision,the sentiment and the inclination which can be found in Yuxin ’s we concern the remarks rough(xiaose),mature ( laocheng )and grief ( aishang ),whi