READINGSKILLⅡ Recognizing the Pa ttern of Deta ils Patterns S p a c e re la tionsh ip Tim esequenceEx amp leor Illu s tra par ison a n dCon tras t Cause a n d Effe ctAdd itio norEn ume ra tio n Exa mples: In spite of his gr eat em pha sis on nonviolence, K ing often beca m e the tar get of violence. He wassta bbedinNewY orkC ityandstoned inC hica go. His hom e inM ontgom er y,A la bama , was bom bed . Fina lly, violence took away his life at the a ge of th ir ty -nine. A hidden r iflem a n shot a ndk illed him onA pr il4, 1968 , in M em phis, T ennessee. T imeseque nce, Ex a mp le, Causea nd Ef f e c t R eal pr ogr ess to end ra cia lly sepa ra te schools d id not begin u ntil the C ivil R ights A ct of 1964 was pa ssed. T his law sa id the gover nm ent cou ldw ithdr aw feder ala id to schools tha tw erera cia lly sepa ra ted .By 1970 , r epor ts show tha t schools in the S ou th w erem orera cia lly ba la nced tha n those in a ny other a r ea of the cou ntr y. T ime se que nce, Compa r is ona nd Cont rastUNIT6 The Afr ica n- Ame r ica ns "W e will not resort to violence. We will not degrade ourselves with hatred. Love will not be returned with hate." —— Dr. Martin Luther King, J r. I have a dream that one day this nation w ill rise up and live out the true mea ning of its creed: 'W e hold these truths to be self- evident: that all men are created equal.' —— Dr. Martin Luther King, J r. MartinLutherKing effor ts the follow ing lawsw erepa ssed; the C ivil R ights A ctof Dr .Mar tinLu ther K ing ea cher and a lso a civil r ights lea der .He beca mew ellknow n for his effor tsof equal j u stice for bla ckAm er ica ns. Dr .K ing wa nted equal tr ea tm ent for a ll people. He wasa ga inst people being ju dged beca u seof the color of their sk in. Dr .K ing was ver yar ticu la teand gra cefu pr ea ched nonviolence r esista nce tounju st lawsandpra ctices. Nonviolence wasam ethod he a dopted from an Ind
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