中安信(北京)食品安全技术有限公司 China Ansense ( Beijing ) Food Safety Technology Co.,Ltd. 地址: 北京市朝阳区朝外大街甲 10 号中认大厦 1807 层 Add.: Room 1807,Zhongren Building, 10 Chaowai Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing , China 100020 Tel: +86(0) 10 65995036 Fax: +86(0) 10 65995036 BRC 全球食品安全标准(第六版) - 第三方审核员培训(2012 年度) BRC Global Standard for Food Safety (issue 6)– Third Part Auditor Training Course-4day Description This course trains delegates in Third Party audit requirements against the NEW Global Standard for Food Safety Issue 6. In addition, the course includes all relevant aspects of auditing within the food sector. Attending this course allows you to gain an in-depth and practical understanding of the BRC Standard and auditing methodology. Aimed At Technical and Quality Managers Prospective Certification Body Auditors Consultants Main Points The Requirements - clause by clause BRC audit aims and objectives BRC audit concepts To understand BRC auditing methodology Pre-requisites for training Delegates must have a working knowledge of quality management systems and auditing within the relevant manufacturing sector Delegates must pleted a P course (minimum 2 days duration) Delegates must have read and reviewed a copy of the Global Standard for Food Safety Issue 6 which will be sent to them prior to the course Note: This qualification does not guarantee employment as an auditor with a Certification B
BRC全球食品安全标准(第六版) 来自淘豆网m.daumloan.com转载请标明出处.