资料来源:中国教育在线/ 资料来源:中国教育在线/ 答题要求: 1、总分 100 分。 2、答卷要求打印。无条件打印者,必须卷面整洁,字迹清楚; 3、论述题的回答每个不得少于 1500 字,且必须条理清晰、观点明确、言之成理、持之有据,重要参考文献须注明。一、将下面的英文翻译成中文( 20 分) The period from the fifth to the fifteenth century was one of sporadic and limited geographic work in Europe. Elsewhere , however , especially in the Islamic world and China , geography flowered. Again , what we find isa close relationship between geography on the one hand and societies experiencing expansion , and hence a thirst for geographic knowledge , on the other. Medieval Europeans knew little beyond their immediate domain as geographic horizons retreated and mapping deteriorated. Many of the advances made by the Greeks were lost and it was only in monasteries that serious geographic work continued. During the Middle Ages , geography as such no longer existed ; the word “ geography ” did not enter the English language until the sixteenth cegogo. Greek maps were drawn by scholars with expertise in astronomy , geometry , and mathematics. Medieval map makers , although scholarly , are less easily described. Their maps were symbolic , not geographic. They stylized geographic reality to arrive ata predetermined desired structure. These maps are less detailed and accurate than maps produced some 1, 500 years earlier. The best example is the twelfth to the fifteenth century's T-O maps , which are aT drawn within an O. T-O maps show