·疾病预防控制· 长护险居家护理对居家失能老人生活状态的影响 季永娟 许婷婷 陈雪飞 叶涛 ell-being scale, the elderly depression scale, the Barthel index scale and the satisfaction questionnaire were used to evaluate the life status and satisfaction of the disabled elderly at home 6 months after enjoying the long-term care insurance. Results: After 6 months of home care of long-term care insurance, the satisfaction score of the disabled elderly was significantly higher than that before care (± vs ±, P<), the overall well-being score was also significantly improved (± vs ±, P<), the depression score decreased significantly (± vs ±, P<), and the score of self-care ability was significantly improved (± vs ±, P<). Conclusion: Home care of long-term care insurance can improve the general well-being, depression and self-care ability of the disabled elderly, and increase the satisfaction of the disabled elderly. KEY WORDS disabled elderly; long-term care insurance; home-based elderly care; life state 我国老年人的失能问题已成为重大社会风险之一。 的长期失能人员,为其基本生活照料和基本生活密切相 据预测,到 2050 年我国失能老人数量将增至 9 750 万 关的医疗护理提供服务或资金保障的社会保险制度