西南交通大学学报 Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University ISSN 0258-2724,CN 51-1277/U 板能有效减弱偏心竖向荷载作用引起的箱梁畸变,可使角点处的畸变正应力降低到对应单室箱梁的 %;采用 2 个参数描述箱梁正对称畸变时各板件上畸变正应力的分布比传统方法的更合理;中腹板厚度的改变可使单箱双室箱梁畸变 发生明显的变化,厚度增大时畸变逐渐减小。 关键词:桥梁工程;畸变;板元分析法;单箱双室箱梁;参数分析 中图分类号: 文献标志码:A Distortion Effect of Single Box Double-cell Box Girders with Rectangular Cross Section WANG Zhaonan , ZHANG Yuanhai ( School of Civil Engineering, Lanzhou Jiaotong University, Lanzhou 730070, China ) Abstract: In order to accurately researched the distortional effect of Single Box Double-cell Box Girders (SBDBG) under vertical eccentric load, the concepts of antisymmetrical and positive-symmetrical distortion were introduced, and the distortional assumption of rectangular cross section of SBDBG was supplemented. The antisymmetrical and positive-symmetrical distortion of SBDBG were described by different definition of distortional angles. The distortion of SBDBG were researched by plate element analysis and energy variation methods. Two parameters were used to descri