: . 1088601research-article2022 DSTXXX10. and time above range) and recommendations for time spent within these ranges for different diabetes populations. These parameters should be evaluated together with the ambulatory glucose profile (AGP). Using standardized visual reporting may help people with diabetes and healthcare professionals in the evaluation of glucose control in frequent clinical situations. The objective of the present review is to provide practical insights to quick interpretation of patient-centered metrics based on flash glucose monitoring data, as well as showing some visual examples of common clinical situations and giving practical recommendations for their management. Keywords continuous glucose monitoring, flash glucose monitoring, time in range, hypoglycemia, glycemic variability, ambulatory glucose profile. Introduction currently available in two categories: real-time CGM (rtCGM) and intermittently scanned CGM (isCGM), also Glycated hemoglobin (HbA ) has been considered the gold 1c called flash glucose monitoring (FLASH). rtCGM systems standard for assessing glycemic control in people with diabe- measure glucose every few minutes and actively transmit tes (PWD), at least since the landmark Diabetes Control and 1 data wirelessly from the sensor to a reader or smartphone Complications Trial (DCCT) was published. However, the app. These devices include alarms for hypoglycemia and systematic use of HbA1c in the diabetes clin