Global Warming
There is one of the most sen sitive global climate issues for years, which is global warm ing. In gen ernd make the ecological en vir onment deteriorated, and flood and sand storm may happe n more freque ntly. Fifth, the forest resources are sharply decreased by n atural cha nges and huma n actio ns. Sixth, acid rain can destroy the forests, acidate lakes, and endan ger ani mals. Seve nth, water polluti on destroyed the bala nee betwee n the dema nd and supply of fresh water. Last, toxic chemical wastes have threats on the ecological en vir onment on the earth
' surface. (Brow n 46).
What are the n egative effects caused by global warm ing? This serious
en vir onmen tal problem gen erates amount of destructive effects to the en tire pla net: ice melt ing, climate cha nge, ani mals and pla nts' ext inction, and threat of huma n society. Primarily, as the temperature in creases, ice melt ing is regard as the most in tractable issue. Melt ing of ice raises the sea level. Jon atha n Overpeck, an earth scie ntist at the Uni versity of Ariz ona in Tucs on thi nks sea level rise will occur at rates of up to a meter or three feet per one hun dred year (Brow n 102). This statistic reveals the rais ing temperature is detrime ntal to global climate and the main reas on why global warmi ng results in sea level ris ing are str on gly due to thermal expa nsion (Brow n 102)
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