摘要:糖尿病是一种常见病及多发病,往往需要终身治疗,随 着糖尿病发病率的不断上升,占糖尿病患者总数90%以上的2型糖尿 病患者,治疗方案较多,在药物选择原则上,除了安全性和有效性盐酸二甲双服致不良反应1例
摘要:糖尿病是一种常见病及多发病,往往需要终身治疗,随 着糖尿病发病率的不断上升,占糖尿病患者总数90%以上的2型糖尿 病患者,治疗方案较多,在药物选择原则上,除了安全性和有效性外, 盐酸二甲双月瓜是治疗糖尿病药物中最经济的品种之一,盐酸二甲双服 不仅能降血糖,且有调节血脂、改变患者对胰岛素敏感性等作用,药 物不经肝脏代谢,以原型经尿排出体外,在体内易消除,且能保护心 血管免受损害,而且不会引起低血糖。因此,盐酸二甲双服是治疗2 型糖尿病的良好药物。盐酸二甲双M (Metformin hydrochloride, MFH) 是双月瓜类抗糖尿病药,为目前治疗II型糖尿病的首选药物。MFH在胃 肠道的吸收不完全,主要吸收部位在小肠。
关键词:盐酸二甲双服 不良反应
The hydrochloric acid two armor biguanides send respond 1 example
Lin Lili
Abstract:Diabetes are one kind of common disease and frequently-occurring disease, often needs the lifelong treatment, along with the diabetes disease incidence rate unceasing rise, occupies diabetic total 90% above 2 diabetic, the treatment plan are many, in the medicine choice in principle, besides the security and the validity, the hydrochloric acid two armor biguanides is treats in diabetes medicine one of most economical varieties, not only the hydrochloric acid two armor biguanides can fall the blood sugar, also has the adjustment blood fats, changes the patient to functions and so on insulin sensitivity, the medicine not after the liver metabolism, discharges in vitro by the prototype after the urine, easy to eliminate in vivo, also can protect the cardiovascular to exempt is harmed, moreover cannot cause the hypogly
盐酸二甲双胍致不良反应1例 来自淘豆网m.daumloan.com转载请标明出处.