PERTERSON’STOFEL胜利指南(3) Serve one right receive the proper punishmentplane, for example); (3) become popular quickly Take over assume control or responsibility Take part in participate in Take a shortcut take a more direct or faster route than usual Take the plunge finally take action; do something different Take time off (from) take a vacation or a break from work or school Take up begin to study some topic or engage in some activity Talk down to speak to someone as if he or she were a child; patronize Talk into persuade ;convince Talk out of dissuade ;convince not to do something Talk over discuss Tear oneself away from something stop doing something interesting Tear up rip into small pieces Tell apart distinguish Things are looking up the situation is improving Think over consider Throw away discard; get rid of Throw cold water on discourage; force to cancel(a plan, for example) Throw the book at someone give someone the maximum punishment Try on test clothing before buying(for size ,style, and so on) Try out test a product before buying Try out (for) audition for (a role in a play, for example); attempt to join (a team, for example) Turn around face in a different direction Turn down (1)reject an offer; (2) decrease in intensity Turn in (1)return; give back ; hand in;(2)go to bed Turn into change to