: . 山东大学耳鼻排除 与其具有相似临床表现、但病因明确的疾病,本病首选糖皮质激素抗炎治疗,可联合抗生素、抗病毒、血 管扩张剂及中药治疗。本病有自限性,一般预后良好。 关键词:视神经视网膜炎;Leber 特发性星芒状视神经视网膜炎;眼底荧光血管造影;吲哚箐绿血管造影; 糖皮质激素 中图分类号:R774 文献标志码:A A case report of Leber’s idiopathic stellate neuroretinitis and literature review WANG Qian, LIU Na, WANG Shaopeng Department of Ophthalmology, Zibo Central Hospital, Zibo 255022,Shandong,China
Abstract: Objective To discuss the diagnosis and treatment of Leber’s idiopathic stellate neuroretinitis. Method We reviewed the medical records of a 47-year-old male patient whose main complaint was that visual acuity of the right eye had been decreased for 1 week and had worsened over the last day. After systemic examination, fundus fluorescein angiography, and indocyanine green angiography, the patient was diagnosed with Leber’s idiopathic stellate neuroretinitis in the right eye. The patient considered the side effects of the glucocorticoids and refused treatment. Result After 3 months of follow-up, the patient's vision improved to . Conclusion The etiology of Leber’s idiopathic stellate neuroretinitis is unknown. It is necessary to exclude diseases with similar clinicalmanifestations but clear etiology. The first line of treatment for this disease is glucocorticoid anti-inflammatory therapy, which can be combined with antibiotics, antiviral, vasodilators and traditional Chinese medicine. The disease is self-limiting and generally has a good prognosis. Key words: Neuroretinitis; Leber idiopathic stellate neuroretinitis; Fundus fluorescein angiography; Indocyanine green angiography; Glucocorticoid Lebe