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A conjunction is a word that grammatically connects two words, phrases, or clauses t pick me up. (The verb ‘are’ follows the second item in the pair of subjects.) 考特尼和她的好友所有会来接我。(谓语动词‘are’紧跟着第二个短语)The word ‘either’ can be used by itself, but as a pronoun, not a conjunction. For example:单词either可以单独使用,此时either是作为代词而不是连词。例如:You can ask either of us if you need any ,你可以找我们其中任何一种人。“Should I get this shirt in blue or white?” “Either looks good on you.” “我应当买蓝色衬衫还是白色衬衫?”“你穿哪一件所有好看。”WHETHER…OR是…还是The conjunction ‘whether…or’ also pairs up two options, but they must be clauses. It’s similar to the subordinating conjunction “if” in that it brings up hypothetical conditions, but in ‘whether…or’连接对等成提成对浮现,但是,连接的成分必需是从句。‘Whether…or’和丛属连词if很像,两者所有提出假设条件,但是前者成对浮现。Whether I drink a lot or a little, my face still gets ,我的脸所有会变红。Whether it’s sunny out or raining, we’re still going to see the concert. 不管晴雨,我们所有要去音乐会。A common usage of this correlative conjunction is in the form “whether…or not” or simply “whether or not.” For example:这个关联连词常以‘whether…or not ’或‘whether or not’的形式浮现,例如:Whether the earrings are cheap or not, I’m still going to buy ,我所有要买。You have to take this class, whether or not you want to. 不管你想还是不想,你所有得上课。It’s also acceptable to simply use the word ‘whether’, which implies the phrase ‘or not’, by its

英语连词的使用方法英语中关联连词的使用方法 来自淘豆网m.daumloan.com转载请标明出处.
