LUNCH(午餐) 12 :00——13:30 AFTERNOON(下午) 13:30——17:00 BREAKS(课间休息) 15:00——15:30 TELEPHONES(电话) 关闭或静音、禁止在课堂上接电话 世贸培训手册 11/11/2017 2 CONTENTS(内容) NEW CAR SALES AND DELIVERY WORKSHOP 新车销售及交车流程 1 :简介及目的 2 :影响销售的因素 3 : 第一次接触阶段 4 : 展厅接待 5 : 新车展示 6 : 报价、成交 7 : NCSD流程 8 : 说明介绍阶段 9 : Volvo新车交车流程 10 : 销售中常见问题及解答 11/11/2017 3 ABOUT THE BINDER 关于此讲义 VERBAL(口头) Harvard Research 100 % was what the speaker wanted to say. (演说者想要说的占100%) Approximately 80 % was said. (已说出来的约占80%) Approximately 60 % was heard (被听见的约占60%) Approximately 40 % was remembered after 3 hours (3小时后记得的约占40%) Approximately 20 % was remembered after 3 days (3天后记得的约占20%) Approximately 10 % was remembered after 3 months (3个月后仍记得的约占10%) VERBAL AND VISUAL(口头和视觉) Approximately 60 % was remembered after 3 days (3天后记得的约占60%) Approximately 40 % was remembered after 3 months (3个月后记得的约占40%) VERBAL + VISUAL+ NOTES (口头+视觉+笔记) Approximately 80 % was remembered after 3 days (3天后记得的约占80%) Approximately 60 % was remembered after 3 months (3个月后记得的约占60%) 11/11/2017 4 THE 4 STAGES OF LEARNING 学习的四个阶段 1. UNCONSCIOUSLY PETENT 无意识不胜任阶段 2. CONSCIOUSLY PETENT 有意识不胜任阶段 3. PETENT 有意识胜任阶段 PETENT 无意识胜任阶段 11/11/2017 5 KEY RULE 主要准则 ANY STRATEGY IS LIMITED BY THE QUALITY OF THE SALES CONSULTANT 任何策略都与销售顾问的素质相关 11/11/2017 6 2. FACTORS INFLUENCING RESULTS 影响结果的相关因素 e from…….. 结果来源于…… VOLVO SALES TEAM VOLVO 销售团队 $ALE$ 销售业绩 $ QUANTITY OF EFFORT(工作量) QUALITY OF EFFORT(工作质量) DIRECTION OF EFFORT(工作方向) MOTIVATION(积极性) A&P SUPPORT(心理激励) 11/11/2017 7 SALESPERSON A 销售顾问A SALESPERSON B 销售顾问B ________________ VISITS ______________ 潜在客户 _____________ CONVERSION ________________ 成交率 _____________ AVOS ________________ 台 ______________ MOTIVATION ________________ 积极性 QUANTITY OF WORK 工作的数量 40 20 2:1 2:1 1 unit 1 unit ++ ++ 20 10 11/11/2017 8 40 40 2:1 4:1 1