跑步的好处。(The benefits of running.) The benefits of running. Login register watercress community watercress, reading waternners who successfully lose weight by running and get the ideal shape in their minds. relax yourself and relieve stress. Jogging can divert the attention of Nie, bathing in the roadside scenery, your troubles will disappear. Long distance races are for those who are in a heap of headaches and annoying annoyances. Is there a better idea to clean up your mind and relax your nerves than in a two hour long run?. If you feel very depressed at this time, why don't you run fast and then you,11 be in a good mood. famous runners peak experience” Including releasing stress, jogging has been shown to improve your mood. Running, especially outdoors and traveling, releases a substance into your body that gives you a feeling of happiness (a running peak experience) or a feeling of happiness. Running has been used for many years to treat clinical depression, addiction, and so on. Less stress, less depression, less fatigue, less confusion, and a period of frequent running, patients change quickly. Running gives them attention, and shows them that there is something wonderful besides their negative state and their addiction to affairs. exercise your mind. Running is also good for your mind, as it does for your body. By overcoming a series of obstacles in running, you l