全站仪空间坐标(Total station space coordinates)
The n~e~z is the corresponding three-dimensional coordinate, and the X and E iISM) 2) setting of the atmospheric correction number (PPM)
(multiplication constant).
Enter the temperature (TEMP), pressure (PRESS), or, after calculation, enter the value of PPM.
function: it can measure the horizontal distance between HD, high difference VD and slant distance SD (the height difference and oblique distance between the whole station mirror point and prism mirror point)
method: the prismatic prismatic point is measured by "measurement” (MEAS).
Coordinate measurement
function: the three-dimensional coordinates of the measurable target points (X, Y, H).
measurement principle
NTS - 352 Chinese total station
In surveying and mapping of the south NTS - 352 total station as an example in Chinese training NTS - 352 a, the use of total station internship purpose to learn the structure of the total station and the commonly used function. Learn to total station data transmission, the use of drawing software, etc.
practice content Angle measurement: Distance measurement: Coordinate measurement Standard measurement; Measurement of edges: Suspension height measurement: Point layout: Distance release: Area calculation. Data transmission of the whole station, the use of CASS6. 1 drawing software, etc. lii.
Instrument and tool complete station, prism, tripod, etc.
全站仪的安置1,安置三脚架:首先,将三脚架打开,伸到适当高度,拧 ,将仪器安置到三脚架上:将仪器小心地安置到三 脚架上,松开中心连接螺旋,在架头上轻移仪器,直到锤球对测站点标 志中心,,利用圆水准器粗平仪器①旋转两 个脚螺旋A, B,使圆水准器气泡移到与上述两个脚螺旋中心连线相垂 直的一条直线上.②旋转脚螺旋C,,利用长水 准器精平仪器①松开水平制动螺旋,转动仪器使管水准器平行于某一 对脚螺旋
A, , B,使管水准器气泡居中.②将 仪器绕竖轴旋转90 (100g),再旋转另一个脚螺旋C,使管水准器气泡 居中.③再次旋转90 ,重复①②,,利 用光学对中器对中根据观测者的视力调节光学对中器望远镜的目镜. 松开中心连接螺旋,轻移仪器,将光学对中器的中心标志对准测站点, ,以尽 可能减少气泡的偏移. 6,最后精平仪器按第4步精确整平仪器,直到 仪器旋转到任何位置时,管水准气泡始终居中为止,然后拧紧连接螺 旋.(二), 模式,按下列操作步骤进行:操作过程操作显示①照准第一个目标A: 照准AV : 82° 09' 3
全站仪空间坐标Totalstationspacecoordinates 来自淘豆网m.daumloan.com转载请标明出处.