1 谷胱甘肽转硫酶 P1 基因型对溃疡性结肠炎易感性的影响【摘要】目的: 探讨谷胱甘肽转硫酶(GST)P1 基因型对溃疡性结肠炎(UC) 易感性的影响。方法: 用聚合酶链反应技术(PCR) 检测 56 例溃疡性结肠炎(UC) 和 120 例健康人群的 GSTP1 基因型, 采用 x2 检验, 分析比较 GSTP1 基因型频率在 UC 组和健康对照组之间的分布差异。结果:GSTP1 突变基因型(VaL/VaL) 频率在UC 组中增高, 与健康对照组相比较, 差异有显著性(P=) ;根据临床特征对 UC 组进行分层分析, 发现 VaL/VaL 基因型在远端 UC 中的分布频率高于广泛 UC (P=) 。结论:GSTP1 基因型与 UC 的易感性相关。【关键词】谷胱甘肽转硫酶基因型溃疡性结肠炎易感性 Abstract: Objective: To investigate the effect of glutathione S-transferase P1 genotype on the susceptibility to ulcerative colitis(UC) in Chinese. Methods:Polymerase chain 2 reaction(PCR) was used in the study of GSTP1 genotype, than the discrepancies of GSTP1 genotype frequences between 56 UC patients and 120 healthy controls were anatysed by x2 test. Results: The frequency of VaL/VaL genotype was higher in the UC patients than that in the controls (P=). And the frequency of VaL/VaL genotype was also significantly higher in distal colon patients than that in total colon patients (P=). Conclusion: The GSTP1 genotype is strongly correlated with the susceptibility to ulcerative colitis in Chinese. Key words: glutathione S-transferase P1; genotype; ulcerative colitis;susceptibility 谷胱甘肽转硫酶(glutathione S-transferases , GSTs) 在人体内催化Ⅰ相代谢过程所产生的多种致癌物质与谷胱甘肽(GSH) 巯基(-SH) 共轭结合, 形成亲水性物质排出体外, 是机体重要的毒物代谢酶之一,其在人体中广泛存在,尤其在生殖腺、肝脏及结肠中较高表达。 GSTP1 属 GST 家族重要成员,该基因第 303 位点碱基发生 A→G 突变后,其 105 密码子异亮氨酸被缬氨酸取代, 可引起 GSTP1 酶活性下降, 机体对多种毒性物质降