外研版英语五下Module7Communicationsunit1课件 联系方式: 写信:西山----桂林 打电话:西山----灌阳 发电子邮件 Send an email ’s an email ? 2外研版英语五下Module7Communicationsunit1课件 联系方式: 写信:西山----桂林 打电话:西山----灌阳 发电子邮件 Send an email ’s an email ? ’s Amy’s suggest? to send an email ? will get an email ? ’s an email ? Email is a computer message. It goes from one computer to another computer. ’s Amy’s suggest? Let’s send an email to Dad. to send an email ? Click on “Email” ; Click on “Writer” ; Write your message ; Click on “Send” . will get an email ? Tom’s Dad. How to make a poster ? 1. Draw your friend. How to make a poster ? some words on your poster.