关于加油武汉加油中国的英语作文450字带翻译 关于加油武汉加油中国的 英语作文 450字带翻译 2019年底,突然一种新型的肺炎病毒从武汉爆发,加上春运的到来,疫情在全国范围内迅速传染开来,弄得人心惶惶。原本应该热热闹闹的春关于加油武汉加油中国的英语作文450字带翻译 关于加油武汉加油中国的 英语作文 450字带翻译 2019年底,突然一种新型的肺炎病毒从武汉爆发,加上春运的到来,疫情在全国范围内迅速传染开来,弄得人心惶惶。原本应该热热闹闹的春节,却被一场来势汹汹的病毒毁了。祖爷爷的领导下,及时采取应对措施,一场和死神争分夺秒的防疫战役开始了。 at the end of 2019, a new type of pneumonia virus broke out from wuhan, and with the arrival of the spring festival, the epidemic spread rapidly across the country, making people panic. the spring festival, which was supposed to be hot and noisy, was destroyed by a raging virus. under the leadership of president xi's grandfather, the people of the motherland took timely measures to fight against the disease, and a battle against death began. 数以万计的医护人员舍弃了和家人团聚的节日, 主动请求支援武汉,不顾生命安危,冲在最危险的第一线。当在电视上看到他们含泪与家人告别,看着他们脱下防护服,那一双双被汗水浸泡起皱脱皮的双手,看着因他们体力不支而晕倒在地的情景。我深深的被他们打动了,他们是白衣天使,他们是人民的卫士,他们是病毒的克星。当我听到他们说:“万一的话……,我相信我的同事会来救我的”。眼角就渐渐湿润了,他们都是普普通通的人,都是平凡的血肉之躯啊!只是在这个特殊的时期,被冠以英雄之名! tens of thousands of medical staff abandoned the festival of family reunion, and actively requested support from wuhan, regardless of the safety of their lives, rushed to the most dangerous front line. when i saw them on tv saying goodbye to their families in tears, watching them take off their protective clothing, their wrinkly and peeling hands soaked in sweat, watching them faint on the ground due to their lack