关于团结就是力量的英语作文300字带翻译 拔河比赛,大家团结起来。 tug of war, everyone together. 同学们一蜂窝地来到操场上。顿时,这里就像炸开了锅,吵吵闹闹的。田太国拿起绳子,身体斜着,脚夹关于团结就是力量的英语作文300字带翻译 拔河比赛,大家团结起来。 tug of war, everyone together. 同学们一蜂窝地来到操场上。顿时,这里就像炸开了锅,吵吵闹闹的。田太国拿起绳子,身体斜着,脚夹住前面一个人的脚。向明志把最后一截绳子绑在了自己的身上,拽住绳子,以免会掉。大家畜势待发。 the students came to the playground in a beehive. all of a sudden, it's like a frying pan. it's noisy. tian taiguo picked up the rope, leaning sideways, and clamped the foot of a man in front of him. xiang mingzhi tied the last piece of rope to his body and grabbed the rope to avoid falling. we are all ready to move forward. "嘘”哨声一响,松松掉掉的绳子马上就绷紧了。拉拉队员们拍了拍手,跺了跺脚:"602加油,602必胜。;向明志咬着牙,闭着眼睛,使劲往后扯。嘿嘿!我们班是不会输给你们的,就等着乖乖认输吧,哈哈哈……“喻科凡把所有的力气集中在这根绳子。他来了个"手有劲”,把中间的旗子过了一点点。对方看我们很厉害,他们只好使出保命力气。我们班简直若无其事,一拉一扯,就只剩一点点了。一不留神,红旗又移过去了一点。绳子两边的尾巴一摆一摆的,始终不知道谁赢谁输呢?怎么还没有赢呀,我都急死了。田太国使出老虎般的力气,死死地绳子,一扯。红旗过来了。对方十几个人招架不住,“砰"地一声,全都倒在地下。哈哈,我不是跟你们说了吗?你们不是我们班的对手!我们班天下无敌! "shh" the whistle sounded, and the loose rope immediately tightened. cheerleaders clapped their hands and stamped their feet: "602 come on, 602 will win. xiang mingzhi clenched his teeth, closed his eyes and pulled back. hey! our class won't lose to you. just wait for us to admit defeat, hahaha "yu kefan concentrated all his strength on this rope. he came with a "strong hand" and passed the middle flag a little bit. the other side saw that we were very st