关于环保英语作文_爱护花草描写花草的英语作文300字 今年暑假的时候,爸爸妈妈带我去了番禺百万葵园。 this summer vacation, my parents took me to panyu million sunfl关于环保英语作文_爱护花草描写花草的英语作文300字 今年暑假的时候,爸爸妈妈带我去了番禺百万葵园。 this summer vacation, my parents took me to panyu million sunflower garden. 一进百万葵园,我被里面的美景迷住了。我先看到了一大片紫色的薰衣草,非常漂亮,就忍不住跑进去照相,妈妈赶紧叫我出来,对我说:“你这样会把薰衣草踩死的,你的一脚可就是薰衣草的一生啊。”听了妈妈的话,连叔叔阿姨们都不踩进去拍照了,是妈妈保护了薰衣草。 once in a million sunflower garden, i was fascinated by the beautiful scenery inside. i first saw a large purple lavender, which was very beautiful, so i couldn't help running in to take photos. my mother called me out and said to me, "you will trample lavender to death like this. your foot is the life of lavender." listen to my mother's words, even my uncles and aunts don't step in to take photos. it's my mother who protects lavender. 再向里面走,我看见了许许多多的向日葵,向日葵花散发着一阵阵香味,千姿百态的,有的像太阳一样展开了笑脸,有的还没盛开,还有的是花骨朵,真是太美了!我伸出手想去摘一朵,妈妈看见了,急忙拉住我的手说:“要爱护花草,你去摘花,花会疼的,园子里的花是给大家观赏的,你摘一朵,他摘一朵,不就看不成了吗,花是有生命的,摘下来就死了。”我连忙缩回了手,以后我再也不随便摘花了。 go inside again, i saw a lot of sunflowers. they are fragrant. some of them are smiling like the sun, some are not blooming, and some are flowers. it's so beautiful! i stretched out my hand to pick one. when my moth