关于环保英语作文_环保的重要-关于环保的英语作文500字 环保的重要已经变成各国关注的题目,现在不重视环保的人就等于已经落伍了,环境的保护人人有责,就算是小孩子也一样。 the importance of environmention in the 21st century. people all over the world have deeply recognized the importance of environmental protection, and have invested in the establishment of environmental protection organizations, the formulation of environmental protection laws and regulations, and through the means of international trade sanctions, in order to stop the ecological damage. after creating economic miracles, many countries want to gain a competitive advantage and a place to survive in the world, which is not only to strengthen the business niche of enterprises, but also to focus on the work of ecological protection and deeply plant environmental protection in the hearts of every enterprise and people. 近年来,全球面临严重的温室效应、沙漠化、水污染、废弃物处理、空气污染、臭氧层破坏、表层土壤破坏、生物绝种等问题,保存地球稀有物种的热带雨林,正以每年一千万以上公顷的速度消失。有鉴于自然资源急速耗竭、自然环境惨遭严重破坏等因素,因此,要在国际间取得认同、地位及竞争优势,环境保护已是不容忽视的责任及使命,而我们唯有建立起绿色形象,方能在生存之地。 in recent years, the world is facing serious problems such as greenhouse effect, desertification, water pollution, waste disposal, air pollution, ozone layer destruction, surface soil destruction, biological extinction and so on. the tropical rainforest that preserves rare species of the earth is disappearing at a rate of more than 10 million hectares per year. in view of the rapid depletion of n