: . 光学学报 0.******@1s、0.******@104s。在 500km 的实 验室光纤链路上,利用光纤时间频率传递实验装置进行了测试,实现了稳定度为 2.******@1s、0.******@105s, 不确定度为 的高精度时间传递。本文利用光纤频率传递的高稳定度特性,使得光纤时间传递系统输出 的时间信号在保证不确定度的前提下稳定度得到大幅提升。 关键词 光纤光学;频率传递;时间传递;时间再生 中图分类号 文献标识码 A Research on Ultra-high Precision Time Transfer based on Fiber-Optic Frequency Transfer Chen Faxi1 Li Bo2* Guo Baolong1 1Xidian University, Xi’an 710071, China 2National Time Service Centre, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi’an 710600, China Abstract On the premise of ensuring the uncertainty of time transfer, a method of ultra-high precision time transfer based on fiber-optic frequency transfer is proposed to achieve higher instability of time transfer. The time signal of the remote site is regenerated using the frequency signal transmitted from the local site, and the phase of the regenerated time signal tracks the time signal transmitted by optical fiber. Since the optical fiber frequency transmission with the characteristic of high stability, it can be used to improve the time transmission stability of optical fiber time transmission. The high stability 1PPS time signal is regenerated by phase shift, division
基金项目:国家自然科学基金青年项目(项目批准号:12003042, 12103059). 通信作者:E-mail: ******@ resynchronization of the frequency signal at the remote site in the fiber-optic time-frequency tr