- - - - - 农业、交通、环境、军事、生物、医学、经济、金融、人口和社会各个领域,从日常生活到社会经济无不表达本学科的作用。【正文容样式】 控制科学以控制论、信息论、系统论为根底,研究各领域独立于具体对象的共性问题,即为了实现*些目标,应该如描述与分析对象与环境信息,采取种控制与决策行为。它对于各具体应用领域具有一般法论的意义,而与各领域具体问题的结合,又形成了控制工程丰富多样的容。本学科的这一特点,使它对相关学科的开展起到了有力的推动作用,并在学科穿插与渗透中表现出突出的活力。例如:它与信息科学和计算机科学的结合开拓了知识工程和智能机器人领域。与社会学、经济学的结合使研究的对象进入到社会系统和经济系统的畴中。与生物学、医学的结合更有力地推动了生物控制论的开展。同时,相邻学科如计算机、通信、微电子学和认知科学的开展也促进了控制科学与工程的新开展,使本学科所涉及的研究领域不断扩大 关键词:控制理论;控制工程;控制科学;控制系统 - .专业文档. - - - - . z. Research on Control Theory and Control Engineering Lu Songlin (Control Science and Engineering) Directed by Professor *** Abstract Control engineering or control systems engineering is the engineering discipline that applies control theory to design systems with desired behaviors. The practice uses sensors to measure the output performance of the device being controlled and those measurements can be used to give feedback to the input actuators that can make corrections toward desired performance. When a device is designed to perform without the need of human inputs for correction it is called automatic control (such as cruise control for regulating a car's speed). Multi-disciplinary in nature, control systems engineering activities focus on implementation of control systems mainly derived by mathematical modeling of systems of a diverse range. Key words: control theory; control engineering; control system; control science - .专业文档. - - - - . z. 目录 第一章标题11 标题21 标题31 标题21 标题21 标题21 第二章标题11 标题21 标题21 标题31 标题31