集团标准化工作小组 [Q8QX9QT-X8QQB8Q8-NQ8QJ8-M8QMN] 河南开封文化艺术职业学院单招模拟题含解析 2016年河南单招 考试模拟题(含解析) flooring (竹木地板), recycled (使用回收材料制成的) carpet and so on. Universities are paying more for renewable energy produced by dams(水坝) and wind farms. Western Washington University and The Evergreen State College were among the first in the state to go 100 percent green. Many universities recycle paper, glass and plastic. They're also encouraging students to donate(捐赠) unwanted items instead of throwing them away. The UW collected more than 20,000 pound of clothes, books, cell phones and other reusable material from students when they moved out of the dorms at the end of the school year. The items were given to community order to help protect the environment, campus restaurants serve _________. A. cheap foods B. green foods C. imported foods D. recycled foods 【正确答案】B 讲解:第一段Campus restaurants are serving locally grown foods, green fruits and vegetables. 可知选B 第7题:下列各句中,标点符号使用正确的一句是( ) A.羊年春晚筹备时间短,节目变动大,呈现出强烈的“定制”色彩:主旋律、流行、传统文化等各种必备元素杂糅,遭到网友的各种吐槽。B.我不知道进行这种报道的记者和编辑的主观意图究竟是什么是为了取得轰动效应扩大报刊的销路呢,还是确信有这种事C.王老师说:“古人说,‘兼听则明,偏信则暗。’全班四五十人的意见,你最好都听一听,搞清多数人到底赞成什么,然后再作出判断。”D.正在规划之中的内蒙古至海南高铁将会成为中国继沿海高铁(青岛到深圳)、京沪高铁、京九高铁(江西段已经动工)、京广高铁之后的第五条南北大干线。 【正确答案】D 讲解:考点:正确使用标点符号。 分析:题中,A项“元素杂糅”后的逗号应改为改为句号,最后一个分句前加主语(此答案值得商榷);B项的第一个问号应改为逗号(因为这是陈述句,后面的句子是选择问);C项的第一个句号应放在单引号外,因为前边的“古人说”之后不是冒号;若改为冒号,则句号应在单引号内。 第8题:Bill wants to buy ___________________. A.some picture—books B.some color pencils C.clothes in the shop D.A and B 【正确答案】D 讲解:【解析】第四句可知。Picture-books和color pencils都是要买的。 第9题:下列词语中加横线的字,每对的读音完全相同的一组是( ) 杀戮/山麓 琼楼玉宇/ 竹笋/损失 柳暗花明/ 嗟叹/街道 追根溯源/ 祝贺/豁达 倾家荡产/轻装简从 【正确答案】C 讲解:本题考查识记现代汉语普通话的字音。A项读音依次为zhòu,lù,qióng/qún;B、项读音依次为xié,sǔn,liǔ/niǔ;C、项读音依次为lèi,jiē,sù;D、项读音依次为yǒng,h&egrav