Ipcamera audio prototcol音视频访问协议 Introduction 要访问 ipcamera 的视频需使用两个协议:摄像头操作协议和摄像头音视频传输协议。 To visit the ipcamera, we need two protocols: ipcamera operation protocol and audio transmission protocol and video transmission protocal. 客户使用摄像头操作协议登陆摄像头并进行开始和停止音视频操作,当音视频开始后通过摄像头音视频传输协议来进行音视频的数据传输。 The user log in the ipcamera and operate it’s audio function by operation protocol. After openning the audio and vedio And then, transfer the audio and vedio data by using audio and vedio transfer protocol. Both of these two protocol are on the basis of tcp。 数据类型定义(Data Type Definition) 数据类型 Data Type 长度Length(单位:Byte) 字节顺序Byte order INT8 1 INT16 2 低位在前、高位在后 The previous low, high in the post INT16_R 2 低位在后、高位在前 The previous high, low in the post INT32 4 低位在前、高位在后 The previous low, high in the post INT32_R 4 低位在后、高位在前 The previous high, low in the post BINARY_STREAM N mand Format 所有协议都是由一条条不同的命令组成的,而所有的命令都遵循着同一种格式: Different protocols posed with mands. But all of ply with the same format.
position 类型type 说明destcription 协议头 Protocol’s header BINARY_STREAM[4] 摄像头操作协议operation protocol:“MO_O” 摄像头视频传输协议:“MO_V” 操作码 operation code INT16 用来区分同一协议中的不同命令 to distinct mands in the same protocol 保留reserve INT8 =0 保留reserve BINARY_STREAM[8] 正文长度Text length INT32 命令中的正文长度Text length mand 保留reserve INT32 正文Text BINARY_STREAM[n] 命令中的正文Text mand 摄像头操