原发性高血压;针刺;曲池穴;太冲穴;留针;不留针 The Instant Effect of Needling Acupoint Quchi and Taichong in Lowering Blood Pressure of Primary Hypertension Professional: Acupuncture and Moxibustion Author: Tian NaiJia Teacher: Tan qiwen Abstract Object:Observe the effect of different patibilities in treating primary hypertension by retaining needles or not. The experiment uses patibilities single Quchi, single Taichong, and bination to explore the instant antihypertension effect. At the same time, analyze the relationship between retaining time and effect. Methods:Select 25 primary hypertesion are asked to quit hypertesion drug 48 hours before acupuncture to avoid the disturbance of drug..Use self---comparison to aviod retaining uracy. Puncture Quchi、Taichong respectively and the 2 points cmbined by and unretaining the needles and observe the instant lowering hypertesion effect. To avoind the uracy caused by cumultive and delaying effect of acupuncture,the interval betweed 2 treatment is the biood pressure before the treatment .instant 15min 30min after the treatment..have parision parision between certain group. Results:1 The blood pressure of six groups before and after treatment in each period is statistically analyzed: the data of diastolic blood pressure of Quchi without retaining group before and after treatment values p< while others values p< . 2 The contrast of the curative effect in needling identical acupionts retained or not. (1) In taichong retaining needles group a