《犯罪心理》的开场白 第四季
Episode 1:Mayhem
★Never think that war,no matter how necessary 美国超越论哲学家,冥想团体“果园”的创设人):与本能对话,即与最深层次的人性对话,能听见内心最深处的声音】
★I think the truly natural things are dreams, which nature can’t touch with decay.——Bob Dylan
【鲍勃·迪伦(原名罗伯特·艾伦·齐默曼(Robert Allen Zimmerman):有重要影响力的美国唱作人,民谣歌手,音乐家,诗人,获2022年诺贝尔文学奖提名)在我眼中,真正自然的是梦境,不受自然的腐蚀。】
Episode 7:Memoriam
★What was silent in the father speaks in the son, and often I find in the son the unveiled secret of the father.——Friedrich Nietzsche
★There is no refuge for memory and remorse in this world, the spirits of our foolish dids enhaunt us with or without repentance.——Gilbert Parker
Episode 8:Masterpiece
★Let us consider that we are all insane, it will explain us to each other,it will uiddle many riddles.——mark twain
★Men must devolve for all human conflict, a method which rejects revenge, aggression and retaliation, the foundation of such a method, is love.——Martin Luther King.
Episode 9:52 Pick Up
★The minute people fell in love, they become liars.——Harlan Ellison
★Cleanliness becomes more important, when godliness are unlikely.——’Rourke
【. 奥鲁尔克(美国自由论作家):圣洁淡去之时,尤是清洁显要之际。】
Episode 10:Brothers in Arms
★We are all brothers under the skin, and I for one would be willing to skin humanity to prove it.——Ayn Rand
★For he today who sheds his blood with me shall be my brother.——William Shakespeare
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