A large number of birds received their names through the imitation of their cries. The cuckoo iss in the baked pastry dish, perhaps alluding to the magpie s habit of collecting random objects in comparison to a pie s various ingredients.
很有可能picus这个词衍生出了另一个pie的含义,即我们所说的烘烤类面点 派 。也许这是暗指喜鹊有收集东西的习惯,就像派上有各类的食材。
The albatross received its name from the alcatras, a frigate bird of similar appearance with which the oceanic bird was confused.
According to the Oxford English Dictionary (OED), the alteration of the first syllable alca occurred by folk-etymological association with classical Latin albus white in reference to the predominant colour of the plumage of many species of albatross.
The origin of the word penguin is still a matter of debate among etymologists. It is probably derived from a Welsh phrase pen gwyn, meaning white head .
词源学学者对peguin一词的来源仍争论不休。有一种说法是它来源于威尔士语pen gwyn,意思是白色的头部。
Apparently, the name was first given to a different bird, the now extinct Great Auk, which closely resembled the penguin in its appearance. It is assumed that the British sailors who first discovered the penguins mistook them
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