Molecules (ISSN 1420-3049) Referee Report Form ecules/ Manuscript ID: molecules-20071212-Soomro-be Type of the paper: Full Paper Title: Synthesis and Photochemistry of Polyene Cored Stilbenoid Dendrimer Authors: Shahid A. Soomro 1,* and Saeeda Aziz-Soomro 2 E-mail: shahid.******@ Received: 11 December 2007 Manuscript file: ecules/temp/molecules-20071212-Soomro- (size 104 KB) 1. OVERALL EVALUATION High Avg. Low 1). Originality / Novelty x 2). Significance of Content x 3). Quality of Presentation x 4). Scientific Soundness x 5). Interest to the readers x 6). Overall Merit x 2. OVERAL L MENDATION: MENDATION: __ Accept in present form __ Accept after minor revision _x Reconsider after major revision __ Not yet ready for publication __ Reject 3. Comments and Suggestions (for author to read) The manuscript “Synthesis and Photochemistry of Polyene Cored Stilbenoid Dendrimer” from Soomro et al. describes the synthesis of first generation dendrimer; a polyene core decorated with four stilbene chromophores. The photophysical study is presented. I cannot mend the manuscript for publication in the present form; however, after major revision it could be considered again. 1) Introduction First the introduction is not clear. From the rest of the manuscript it es evident that authors direct their interest to light harvesting; however; in