浅论企业集团财务公司的信用风险管理 Study on Credit Risk Management of the Enterprise Group pany Candidate: Song Le Gang Supervisor: Ping Xin Qiao China Center for Economic Research Peking University
Study on Credit Risk Management of the Enterprise Group pany [Song Le Gang] Directed by [Ping Xin Qiao] Abstract The definition of Chinese enterprise group pany is that enterprise group pany is a non band finance agency which purpose is to strengthen the centralized management and to enhance the using efficiency of the fund of the enterprise group. Chinese enterprise group pany also provides financial management service for business enterprise group. After a brief introduction of the background and current situation of the credit risk management of the world, the thesis revealed the basic factors in the credit after the study on gamble between the creditor and the debtor. The present institution of our country was also be analyzed in this thesis. The developing history of the enterprise group panies showed that the credit risk is significant. On the basis of the investigation of the credit risk management experiences and problems in the world, a feasible scheme of the credit risk administrations for panies of our country was designed. In the scheme, the construction of the credit culture, the control of the credit risk and the measurement of the credit were especially emphasized.