余热共享密集烤房的开发.PDF56 中国烟草科学 Chinese o Science 2010-08,31(4)
宗树林 1,侯跃亮 1,杜传印 1*,郭全伟 1,李建磊 1,刘中庆 1,刘剑 1,温亮 2,谭清涛 3
(,山东潍坊 261061;,山东蒙阴 276200;
草有限公司沂水分公司,山东沂水 276200)
摘要:为合理利用烘烤过程中产生的余热,设计开发了新型余热共享密集烤房。其建造方法是:并排建造 4 个装烟室,
果表明,该新型烤房可提高热能利用率 20%,烘烤成本降低 元/kg,烤后橘黄烟叶比例提高,烟叶均价提高 元/kg。
中图分类号:TS44+1 文章编号:1007-5119(2010)04-0056-03 DOI:.1007-
Development of Bulk Curing-barn with Pooling Surplus Heat
ZONG Shulin1, HOU Yaoliang1, DU Chuanyin1*, GUO Quanwei1, LI Jianlei1, LIU Zhongqing1, LIU Jian1, WEN
Liang2, TAN Qingtao3
(1. Weifang o Corporation, Weifang, Shandong 261061, China; 2. Mengyin Branch of Linyi o Corporation, Mengyin,
Shandong 276200, China; 3. Yishui Branch of Linyi o Corporation, Yishui, Shandong 276200, China)
Abstract: In order to make reasonable use of the surplus heat in the course of o curing, a new type bulk curing-barn was
developed in this study. Four curing barn was built side by side and the chunnel pooling surplus heat was built crossly on the side
near the furnace. In the middle location above the chunnel in each barn the heat gas inlet (or outlet) was set up. The results showed
that the new type of barn could save 20% of heat source, reduce the cuing cost yuan per kilogram o leaves,
余热共享密集烤房的开发 来自淘豆网m.daumloan.com转载请标明出处.