氮磷肥配施对羊草干草产量、养分吸收及品质影响.pdf226 草地学报年月 V0122 No6 Nov doi1011733jissn1007-0435201406013 氮磷肥配施对羊草干草产量、养分吸收及品质影响 13455* (17121002712100 难纬叵嘏┮,宁夏盐池; 泄蒲г罕狈阶试粗参镏氐闶笛槭遥本 摘要:,系统分析了氮磷肥配施对干草产量、品质及养分 吸收的影响。结果表明:增施氮肥羊草产草量显著增加. · 晃7实住⑹┯· N15 当增施磷肥促进氮素的吸收,增施氮肥促进磷素的吸收,钾吸收量对氮肥响应显著;氮磷肥合理配施有效增加羊草 120kghmlPO90· N 148 关键词:羊草;施肥;产草量;品质;经济效益 中图分类号:. A文章编号:—一— The Effects and Phosphate Rates Oil the Yield and Quality Chinensis —琀 MingdeGUOShengan3SHIXuejun4MA琇 Gongshe5+ The Resources and Environment College Northwest A&F UniversityYanglingShaanxi 712100China Institute and Water Northwest A&F UniversityYanglingShaanxi 712100China prehensive Development OfficeYanchiNingxia751500China 甌 Green Alfalfa Development .,甕琋 751500China 甂 BotanyChineseAcademy 珺, AbstractTheeffects application and the 琯 yield and chinensis the beach Ningx iaTheresults the grass yield chinesZhongkeNo2fertilized120 kghm2N the 120 ·~ increased times 甌 grass yield increased after fertilizing .甌— , and potassium firstly increased and decreased the increases — and phosphateRationaIfertilization could effectively the crude protein content 產 lower the content —甌 quality chinensis was the after fertilizing kghm2N the 120 ·~ and the increased 148timesThereforethe application · N the 1 ·~ was mended applied the . Key wordsLeymuschinensisFertilizationG