JOURNAL 20********** 南海一印度洋海域海洋安全灾害评估与风险区划 1211111 1211101292962510320 摘要:针对南海一印度洋海域丰富的海洋资源、重要的战略地位以及该海域的自然灾害风险和海盗活动、恐怖 袭击与军事冲突等人为灾害风险,基于风险评估理论从孕灾环境敏感性、致灾因子危险性和承灾体脆弱性等 (GIS) (1) 以及越南东南部近海,其次为南海东北部海域、南沙群岛西部海域、巽他海峡、望加锡海峡、科摩林角附近 (7) 附近,其次为索马里东北部海域、阿拉伯海中西部、斯里兰卡西南近海、吕宋岛西部近海以及巴士海峡附近。 关键词:南海;印度洋;海洋灾害;风险评估;航行安全 中图分类号: A文章编号:... and the South China Sea and Ocean ⋯, , 琙, ShanshanlQIAN— 甀 ofMeteorologyUniversityofScience and TechnologyNanjing211101China2MeteorologyStation ofNo92962 TroopsGuangzhou5 珻 : the resourceimportantstrategic and potential natural terrorism and the South China Sea and Oceanassessmentindices for disasterformingenvironmentmenace and substance based theoryThennatural riskmanmade and synthetic and zonedrespectively,usingGIS platformTheresults suggested the regions the highest synthetic are located the Adenthetop the Bay , a and southeastem Vietnamwiththe secondhighestsynthetic regions located the South China Seawest the Spratly 琒, adive瑃 coast Somalia and the . Adenthetop the Bay a are the highest synthetic 瑆 the central and western Arabian Seanortheastern off 瑂 coast Sri Lankawestcoast 琣 the Bashi Channel are the secondhighest synthetic regions Key 篠 China SeaIndianOceanmarine; ; 随着陆地资源的日趋枯竭和海洋开发的深入, 一个濒海大国,中国要在新世纪实现民族复兴和国 “世纪是海洋的世纪”已成为不争的事实。作为家富强的伟大战略目标,必须抛弃传统的“重陆轻 收稿日期: ——;修订日期:.—。孙淑杰编辑 基金项目: (200