小型露天矿山的绿色矿山之路--以张里金矿为例.pdfScience & Technology Vision 科技视界 小型露天矿山的绿色矿山之路 要要以张里金矿为例 田臣龙徐凤琳刘康王琪 渊山东科技大学地质科学与工程学院袁山东青岛 266590冤 揖摘要铱我国小型露天矿山数量规模庞大袁采矿分布点多面广袁已经对环境造成巨大的破坏袁与当今的绿色矿山理念背道相驰袁相比大型 矿山规范化的治理袁小型露天矿山的治理相对滞后遥本文以张里金矿为例袁制定出小型露天矿山地质环境保护与治理恢复措施遥为实施保护尧监 测和治理恢复小型矿山地质环境提供技术依据和借鉴之路袁使小型露天矿山开采对地质环境的影响和破坏程度降到最低袁促进矿区经济的可 持续发展袁走上绿色矿山之路遥 揖关键词铱小型露天矿山曰张里金矿曰绿色矿山曰地质环境 Small Green Mining in Open-Pit Mine Road Zhangli Gold Mine as an Example 要要 T陨粤晕 Chen原long X哉 Feng原lin LIU Kang WANG Qi College of Geological Science & Engineering, Shandong University of Science and Technology, Qingdao Shandong 266590, China 渊冤 揖Abstract铱 The quantity size of small open -pit mine, mining localities face is wide, have caused great damage to the environment, and the concept of green mining backsliding today chi, compared with the large mine standardization management, the management of small open-pit mine is relatively lagging behind. In this paper, Zhangli gold mine as an example, to develop a small open-air mine geological environment protection and recovery measures. For the implementation of control, monitoring and protection of small mine geological environment restoration to provide technical basis and the reference path, make small open -pit mining geological environment impact and to minimize the extent of damage and promote the sustainable development of mining economy, onto the road of green mi