Pneumonia Case Discussion
Xu Changqing
Address: Hangzhou City, Wenzhou Road No. 16
The condition of the patient
1,Yu Jinyu, male, 64 years old,
2, 5 months ago, the patient started coughing without a cause, coughing white sputum. More severely: fever with a temperature of 38 ℃. In the munity hospital he was treated for 2 days without any improvement. So he came to our hospital to be admitted with pulmonary infection.
The condition of the patient
3, Examination of pulmonary CT: Double pneumonia lesions, for anti infection, stop cough and phlegm and other treatments. The temperature dropped gradually and the condition improved.
4, The patient was careless as to inhale food one month beforehand, then the patient began to cough, sputum, and have fever. After being hospitalized, feeding through a nasogastric tube , anti infection, and phlegm treatment. The condition improved. Multiple hospitalizations.
The condition of the patient
4, 1 day ago, the patient's condition worsened. He was admitted to the hospital for further treatment, quasi “Pneumonia, Parkinson's disease," admitted to our department.
Has Parkinson's disease history for 5 years.
The condition of the patient
Physical examination: P 90 / R 19 / BP 119/72mHg T . Clear consciousness, bed rest, nasal feeding. Skin and sclera without yellow dye, no lips cyanosis, a soft and not swollen superficial lymph node of neck, no jugular vein enlargement, tracheae, no chest deformity, the intercostal space without broadening, double lung breathing symmetry, no change, fremitus without change, bilateral percussion sound, two pulmonary respiration crude and obviously, no rales or rhonchi; heart has no enlargement, heart rate 90, the law is neat; the abdomen is soft, complete abdomen tenderness, no rebound tenderness, below liver lienal costal region without palpable mass, renal area without percussion pain; lower extremities edema, ne
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