风力发电控制系统研究曾婧婧, 等
Study on Contro l System s fo rW ind-Driven Pow er Gene rat ion
曾婧婧 1, 2 杨平1 徐春梅 1, 2 蒋式勤 2
(上海电力学院信息与控制技术系1 , 上海 200090;同济大学控制科学与工程系 2 , 上海 200092)
摘要:介绍了世界风力发电控制系统的发展历程和我国的研究现状。分析并得出风力发电系统中, 控制系统是确保机组安全可靠
运行、优化机组效率的关键。详细介绍了控制系统的功能, 并给出了 DCS控制系统结构图, 同时探讨了控制系统发展趋势。仿真表
明:风力发电控制技术的研究, 对增强我国大型风力发电机组的自主开发能力、提高风力发电机组的国产化率和降低机组成本具有重
中图分类号:TM 611 文献标识码:A
Abstract:Advancem ents of overseas control systems for w ind-driven power gene ration a re outlined and dom estic developments in this aspect are
presented. It is found tha t control sy stem s play a key ro le in ensuring safe and reliab le ope ration of powe r genera tion units and optim ising the ir
e fficiency in w ind-driven pow er generation. Functions o f contro l system s are described in de tail, a system structure diagram o fDCS is g iven and
developing trends of control systems are discussed. The simulating resu lt show s that R&D of control technology for w ind-driven power generation
is of im portance in enhanc ing the independent development capability o f large sized w ind-driven powe r generating units in the country, enlarg ing
loca liza tion of w ind-driven power genera ting unitm anufacturing, and reducing their
K eywords:W ind-driven powe r generation Control system Function Structure D eve lopment trend
拟电子器件。到了 80年代中后期, 随着计算机技术的
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