本科毕业论文外文翻译原文 外文题目:Effects of World Demand petitiveness on Exports and Economic Growth 出处:Growth and Change (,Winter 1994,-24) 作者: JESSIE POON 原文: Effects of World Demand petitiveness on Exports and Economic Growth Introduction The role of exports in economic growth has been much debated since the 1950s. Two viewpoints characterize the development literature on the relationship between exports and economic growth. The first considers that economic growth is a consequence of favorable internal and supply-related factors. Exports promote growth because they stimulate the efficient use of these factors for economic production and enable a country or region to petitme (Bhagwati 1988; Kravis 1973; Riedel 1987). In the second viewpoint, the ess of export-led growth is said to rest on a favorable trade environment which depends on the economic prosperity of core regions. This demand-oriented viewpoint suggests that exports are not expected to expand faster than the demand for them by core regions (. Lewis 1980; Nurkse 1961; Prebisch 1962). The difference between the two viewpoints lies in the weight given to the mechanisms determining the link exports and economic growth. One e of the polarization of the literature is that regions trying to develop are confronted with development models which often assume dualistic forms. For example "inward" versus "outward" trade orientation, or, "export" versus "import" substitution strategies.' Broadly, these dualisms are circum- scribed in what e to be known as the "export optimism-export pessi- mism" debate(Bhagwati 1988). The need to collapse the export optimism-export pessimism dualism for a more integrative perspective has been raised by Streeten (1982). Increasingly too, the literature suggests that a mix of both perspectives merits a closer look (. Gereffi 1989). This paper examines the relationship between export growth and economic growth within an integrative framework. It argues that developing c