鞘内注射地西泮抑制大鼠直肠注入甲醛诱发的内脏痛论文.doc鞘内注射地西泮抑制大鼠直肠注入甲醛诱发的内脏痛论文 黄景辉,邓姣,刘利兵,于军,付文英【关键词】内脏痛觉 Suppressive effect of intrathecal administration of diazepam on visceral pain induced by rectal instillation of formalin in rats 【Abstract】 AIM: To explore has a suppressive effect on visceral pain at the spinal level. METHODS: By intrathecal drug administration, the effect of diazepam on persistent visceral pain induced by rectal instillation of formalin alin induced obvious visceral pain responses, ainly in after the rectal administration of formalin. Intrathecal pretreatment suppressed the visceral pain responses induced by formalin and the analgesic action of diazepam ainly in after the rectal administration of formalin. CONCLUSION: Intrathecal pretreatment suppresses the visceral pain induced by rectal instillation of formalin, exerts some suppressive effect on visceral pain at the spinal level. 【Key; visceral pain; formaldehyde; latency 【摘要】目的: 研究地西泮在脊髓水平对内脏痛有无抑制作用. 方法: 采用鞘内给药的方法观察地西泮对大鼠直肠注入甲醛致持续性内脏痛的抑制作用. 结果: ①直肠注入甲醛可引起大鼠剧烈的内脏痛反应,疼痛反应主要集中在甲醛刺激大鼠直肠后的75 min内. ②鞘内预先注入三个剂量的地西泮均可抑制甲醛刺激大鼠直肠诱发的内脏痛,镇痛作用主要集中在甲醛刺激直肠后的0~60 min. 结论: 鞘内注射地西泮可抑制大鼠直肠注入甲醛引起的内脏痛觉,提示地西泮在脊髓水平对内脏痛有抑制作用. 【关键词】地西泮;内脏痛觉;甲醛;潜伏期 0引言 地西泮(diazepam, valium, 安定);模型组: mL 20 g/L甲醛;鞘内对照组: 鞘内注入10 μL生理盐水,10 mL 20 g/L甲醛;低剂量实验组:鞘内注入10 g/L的地西泮,10 mL 20 g/L甲醛;中剂量实验组: g/L,其余同低剂量实