FUNGICIDES FUNGICIDES Fungicides kill or inhibit fungi Inhibit growth and reproduction Fungistatic Not all fungicides are curative Some only preventative CONTACT FUNGICIDES Active on leaf surface Inhibit fungal growth Control for 7 to 14 days Rapidly degrade Light, MO, and exposure CONTACT FUNGICIDES Was mon fungicides Re-registration cost Less expensive Broad range of control Less resistance Multiple MOA Leaf spot diseases RANT FUNGICIDES Enter plant tissue Provide longer protection than contacts at lower rates As long as 21 to 28 days RANT FUNGICIDES Types of rants Localized, little or no movement in the plant Translaminar moves across leaf blade Mesostemic moves into cuticle and epidermis RANT FUNGICIDES Types of rants Acropetal, upward translocation Majority of rants are acropetal FUNGICIDE RESISTANCE Selection of tolerant fungi by using the same class of chemical Same mode of action (MOA) Fungal pathogens that produce more spores more susceptible to developing resistance Botrytis, powdery mildew, downy mildew, rust Rotate fungicide classes o codes FUNGICIDE RESISTANCE Contact prevent fungal growth by interrupting >2 growth processes rants often interrupt only 1 process