关于人人网广告植入调查问卷 1. 你上人人网的频率是多少? A. 每天数次 B. 每天 C. 每周 2-3 次 D. 每月 2-3...
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1.在您的住所附近,是否经常出现狗在街上流浪的现象?A.?经常 B.?偶尔 C.?很少 D.?从未出现 E.?没有印象2.?当...
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请问您的年龄段(周岁)A [0-17] B [18-24] C [25-35] D [36-60] E [60 以上】您对促销熟悉吗 (了解程度)...
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关于春运问卷调查报告 1.您的年龄是? A:16~30B:31~50C:50岁以上 2.您是城市户口还是农村户口? A:城市户口B:...
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页数:20页格式:docx 下载文档
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Evaluation Warning: The document was created with Spire.Doc for .NET.炸烹蹋蚜奔苏四披醛饮物拇砂僧斩烹...
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Evaluation Warning: The document was created with Spire.Doc for .NET.扩呐旁步沛反烁榴闰煌嘿攀风偶大蹿...
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The Level of Recog nition toward the Chin ese-E nglish Advertising Translatio n Questionnaire关于中英...
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Evaluation Warning: The document was created with Spire.Doc for .NET.20XX年关于问卷调查报告为更真实地...
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Evaluation Warning: The document was created with Spire.Doc for .NET.关于便利店的调查问卷及调查报告关...
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