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1Functions of Business WritingTo informTo persuade第1页/共49页2To informMessages to inform are used ...
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4.1.2 图表源数据创建图表的第二个步骤是选择源数据。在确定了图表类型之后,“图表向导”将进入第二个步...
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8.1. Hypotheses and Test Procedures8.2. Tests About a Population Mean1Chapter 8: Tests of Hypotheses...
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Journalize transactions.Post entries to the ledger accounts.Prepare trial balance.Make end-of-year a...
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本章内容2.1 Access 2003数据库概述2.2 表结构设计2.3 记录操作2.4 数据的导出与导入2.5 数据表的复制、改名...
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Early godsTwelve OlympiansCONTENTS第1页/共13页Early gods/01第2页/共13页Early godsHecateOne of the ea...
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Hot TipSub-task 1: Checking in for the Guest withReservations子任务一 为有预订的客人办理入住登记S...
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第 3 章 数据链路层3.1 使用点对点信道的数据链路层3.1.1 数据链路和帧3.1.2 三个基本问题3.2 点对点信道...
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Revision动名词作主语或宾语第1页/共30页Ⅰ填入动名词的适当形式 1. The runner fell and hur...
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1 Use Case DescriptionsA list of use cases and use case diagrams provides an overview of all the use...
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China, which boasts epochal inventions in ancient times, has once again demonstrated its ability to ...
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shū fǎ书 法Chinese Calligraphy第1页/共35页Different types of calligraphyThis example of Seal Scrip...
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§1 The Origin and the Development of Chinese characters§1.1 The Origin of Chinese charactersWritt...
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Guangdong dim sum第1页/共38页The definitionHere, what we say as “dim sum” is not the things people...
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In the past 30 years , China’s economy has being developing like a high-speed train.With the increa...
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1. Order of tablewares2. Sitting etiquette3. Dining etiquette4. Leaving etiquetteContents第1页/共...
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The papercut is a special folk artin China, with a history of nearly 1000 years.第1页/共14页The m...
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Discrete Structures: TerminologyAlgorithm (Algorithmic Analysis, Algorithmic Thinking)Universal, Exi...
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5.1 Introduction and Objectives5.2 History and classifications5.3 Ferrous metals5.4 Nonferrous metal...
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Intro to Integers and DivisionA branch of mathematics is called Number TheoryIt involves integers an...
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1. OverviewThe use case realization is used to extend the process of detailed design. In use case re...
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ContentsLead-in Discussion QuestionsSection 1 Check Your VocabularySection 2 Get to Know the...
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第页 共28页第 1 篇 力 学力学(mechanics)研究对象宏观物体之间(或物体内各部分之间)的相对位置(position...
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数据通信基本知识3.1.1 信息、数据与信号3.1.2 通信的基本要求3.1.3 数据通信系统模型3.1.4 信道的最大容量...
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(二)级数的概念1. 级数的定义:(常数项)无穷级数一般项部分和数列级数的部分和第1页/共24页由此看出级数可...
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1的几何意义: 当点 P 沿着由 所确定的射线 L 趋于 P0 点时 , 函数 z = f (x , y)在点 ( x0 , y0) 处沿 ...
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Recursively Defined FunctionsDefine a function f(n) recursively, n is an integer and n ≥ 0 :Basis S...
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boring,easy,free,peaceful, relaxing第1页/共34页Can you imagine city and country lifestyles in Britai...
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Come close to Monet, Going into ImpressionismFrench painter and founder of the Impressionist represe...
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Module 5 Cloning and DNA第1页/共22页Work in pairs. Look at the title of the passage and the words in...
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My Name is protein第1页/共12页免疫沉淀(Individual protein immunoprecipitation, IP):利用抗体特异性...
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1. DefinitionsHow would you define individualism?How would you define collectivism?Give examples to ...
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What’s your favourite sport/food?(最喜爱的)Do you like……My favourite sport/food is……Yes,I do./...
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Beforre we became a college students ,our minds are filled with anticipation,some anxiety,and woderf...
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第1页/共22页indigovioletpurple第2页/共22页Comic stripsWhich one do you want to wear, Eddie?第3页/共...
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backgroundCharles A. Curran, a Prof. of psychology at Loyola University, Chicago.His application o...
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gradable(可等级的)Which kinds of words are gradable?1.verb2.noun3.adjective4.adverb5.conjunction第1页...
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Another common pattern:A comparison or contrast essay is an essay in which you either compare someth...
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The first part:the significance of the complimentingThe second part:how to compliment and respo...
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BGP Commands在同一时刻, 仅能有一个BGP的实例在一台路由器上被配置运行.自治系统编号(autonomous-system)标...
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Conversational Implicature1.founder --- H.P.Grice
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What is conversation?▲ A way of using language socially, of ‘doing things with words’.▲ A inter...
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Section A 23a-3c第1页/共27页Brainstormdo chores____the living room___the floor___the clothes___the d...
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Objectives1. 还盘的内容2. 还盘信的基本写法3.还盘信中常用的词汇及表达方式通过本章的学习,帮助学生掌握...
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Why critical thinking is importantSuccess in work depends on thinking skills.It isn’t enough to pos...
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线性渐变(1)线性渐变格式linear-gradient([<起点> || <角度>,]? <点>, <点>…)只能用在背景上IE:filter:pro...
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2D变换Transformrotate() 旋转函数 取值度数deg 度数transform-origin 旋转的基点skew() 倾斜函数 取值度...
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cornerCulture第1页/共14页Different Countries, Different Schools第2页/共14页Now watch the video caref...
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What is culture?Language and cultureCulture and translationVarious exemplifications of cultural diff...
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Cultural Differences in Verbal CommunicationIn this part you are expected to understand some commonl...
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OutlineIntroductionWhat leads to the culture difference?How differently do people behave in daily li...
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What we need to knowWho buys and uses the product / serviceWhat customers buy and how they use itWhe...
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If you want to spark a heated debate at a dinner party, bring up the topic of genetically modified f...
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3.1 C语言数据类型C数据类型基本类型整 型 int short long字符型 char浮点型单精度实型 float双精...
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向量的加法(平行四边形法则)如图,已知向量a和向量b,作向量a+b.a作法:在平面中任取一点o,过O作OA= a过O作OB=...
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第4章 循环程序设计1. for语句2. while语句3. do~while语句4. 循环结构程序设计方法第1页/共51页4.1 for语句...
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第6章 指针1. 指针的概念及计算2. 指针和数组3. 指针与字符串4. 指针的应用第1页/共41页1 指针的概念计算机...
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2010通则 DAT DAPDDP2000通则 DAF DESDEQ DDU第1页/共51页可使用于任何运输方式的术语...
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习惯上所称的镧系元素是指从57La-71Lu的15个元素,以Ln表示。本来镧系元素并不包括Lu(镥), 将它归在一起...
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主谓一致的类型1. 量词做主语。主语视量词的单复数而定。◆ The pair of shoes been there for 2 ...
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分(fèn)外 莽莽(mǎng) 妖娆(ráo) 折(zhé)腰 成吉思汗(hán) 稍逊(xùn)风骚(sāo) 田圃(pǔ) ...
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7. 3位老师带50名学生去参观植物园。怎样买票合算?票价成人10元学生5元团体(10人以上)6元第1页/共7页方法一...
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第1页/共87页第2页/共87页一、人称代词第3页/共87页it的用法。①用作形式主语/形式宾语。It is important f...
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