several group number, then with b ± a, =c,c is is methyl b two vertical box between of accurate siz...
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奴隶制经济奴隶制经济?1 奴隶制经济产生的及其根源 2 奴隶制经济的不同形式?2 奴隶制经济的基本特征 3...
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Made by 101591122黄映月Slavery in the United States and its impactBeginningSlaves first arrived in V...
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The history of slavery in America Made by Spring-Jiao. 黑三角贸易独立战争和南北战争时期奥巴马时代 ...
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The history of slavery in AmericaMade by Spring-Jiao.1黑三角贸易独立战争和南北战争时期奥巴马时代 The...
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到处都是奴?主 控制流奴?战横空出世翻 译 : 楠 ? 4 2嘿 , 陌 ? ? ! 让 我 们 ? ? ? 场 ,...
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第二章奴隶制时代──夏商周美术 Chapter Two Art of the Xia-Shang and the Western Zhou Dynasties (公元...
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论奴隶制度【美国】道格拉斯(1817 ~ 1895) 论奴隶制度【美国】道格拉斯( 1817 ~ 1895 ) 道格拉斯,美国 19 世...
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Lesson 13Teaching Focus1. 翻译策略:非完全对应——具体化、抽象化、解释法2. Translation Analysis of sl...
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中国奴隶社会 —土地制度班级: 11级文秘教育姓名:张居才学号:2011131054●奴隶社会的土地国有制度——井田...
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The resistance of slavery1 introduction1.1 Background of the studySlavery of the United States set u...
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1 introduction美国奴隶制度的反抗(英语论文)The resistance of slavery1 introduction1.1 Background of t...
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The resistance of slavery1 introduction1.1 Background of the studySlavery of the United States set u...
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1 introduction1.1 Background of the studySlavery of the United States set up in the 17th century, fo...
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1 introduction1.1 Background of the studySlavery of the United States set up in the 17th century, fo...
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